Sunday, November 3, 2019

To DST or Not to DST - That is the Question

Twice a year we see a flurry of commenting and humorous memes on the subject of the time change. Forgive me for thinking more deeply about this than it's worth, but I see something interesting this time. Analyzing this as "a problem to be solved", it looks like the simplest one in our very deep catalog of problems. There are only 3 possible outcomes, and each has clear advantages and disadvantages. And yet, we will not solve this problem. Why? Because we have surgically removed the key feature in our minds for problem-solving: EMPATHY. Every single comment I see this time around is a demand for a change to the system that the commenter wants without any respect for what other people need. If we step back a little, we will see that this is the truth behind ALL of our unsolvable problems. And it is the truth behind our Bishop Curry's message that "Love is the Way!". Unless we (Christians AND non-Christians) learn to behave toward each other with respect and concern, we will never solve another problem. Even a problem as trivial as setting our clocks.