Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Prayer for Today (19 July 2020) by Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber

I do not know when we can gather together again in worship, Lord.

So, for now I just ask that:

When I sing along in my kitchen to each song on Stevie Wonder’s Songs in The Key of Life Album, that it be counted as praise. (Happy 70thBirthday, SW!)

And that when I read the news and my heart tightens in my chest, may it be counted as a Kyrie.

And that when my eyes brighten in a smile behind my mask as I thank the cashier may it be counted as passing the peace.

And that when I water my plants and wash my dishes and take a shower may it be counted as remembering my baptism.

And that when the tears come and my shoulders shake and my breathing falters, may it be counted as prayer.

And that when I stumble upon a Tabitha Brown video and hear her grace and love of you may it be counted as a hearing a homily.

And that as I sit at that table in my apartment, and eat one more homemade meal, slowly, joyfully, with nothing else demanding my time or attention, may it be counted as communion.



-Nadia Bolz-Weber

Monday, July 6, 2020

A New Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the Republic 
of the United States of America, 
whose people live united under the rule of law,
with liberty and justice for all.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

For Those Who Claim "Innocence" from Racial Oppression:

A fence who "receives stolen property" is not a thief. However, the fact that he benefits from the crime committed by others is enough for us to judge him as if he were a participant. And then there is the fact of "Nazi plunder". There is still a concerted effort to return the art and treasure to their rightful owners. "Rightful owners". How much of the wealth of America resulted from the stolen labor of slaves and of Jim Crow-era oppression (North AND South)? How much continues to be stolen through the wide network of racist policies that we use to disguise our white advantages? The reason that the Enlightenment ideal of "corporate responsibility" has been buried under the anti-Christian ideas of "personal responsibility" and "individuality" is that it allows us, white people, some plausible deniability. Well, it's not so plausible anymore. Too much of our real history is being exhumed. I admire the effort the Episcopal Church is making to bring about racial healing and reconciliation. I am disappointed that many professing Christians are finding this so difficult.