Thursday, January 2, 2020

Why Watch Fox News

It is possible to watch Fox News without the danger of mental illness if you are well educated in the psychology of propaganda, the history of its misuse (eg. Goebbels), and the actual history of the United States (not the high school textbook version). Oh, and you also need to keep the mute button close at hand.

It's not ALL propaganda. The great failing of our dying democracy has been the inability of conservatives and liberals to work together to solve the problems of the common people of this country. As a liberal, I tend to see that as a result of the conservative lust for power as a means to concentrate wealth in the hands of their supporters. I'm sure most conservatives think we liberals just want to steal all their money to give to worthless people. But I remember a time when we accepted the theory of a "government of the people, by the people, for the people". We can only get back to that by resolving the schism between left and right. Split your news watching between Fox News and MSNBC, but also take the time to read real news with the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.

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