Sunday, September 20, 2020

Churches Emerging From the "Zoom Cocoon"

 The foundation of the Christian faith (as taught by Jesus in His many parables) is forgiveness and constructive love toward all people. The disruption of our Church practices because of this pandemic has resulted in a loss of a very specific opportunity. Our parishes are a training ground for love and forgiveness. As with any skill, forgiveness and constructive love are learned through repeated practice and shared experience of the example of others.

When our "church" time is spent on Zoom (or whatever), we have almost no chance of irritating each other. With Zoom, no one is sitting in "your pew". There is plenty of room in the back row. There is probably no incense or strong perfume from the lady in front of you. Coffee hour will always have the kind of creamer and donuts that you prefer. The only fussy children bothering you are your own.

Even if the technology gives you trouble, there is no one actually present to blame. The skills of forgiveness and constructive love cannot be learned without actual people to practice them on, without real-life examples of the behaviors of our faith.

As we slowly emerge from our "Zoom Cocoons" and re-enter the messy, irritating community of our parish churches, we will certainly be celebrating the renewal of relationships. Let's also celebrate the opportunities to be irritated, to forgive, and to love each other in the way that makes us all more closely resemble Jesus.

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